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![]() The American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS) publishes four interdisciplinary journals. Each journal is double-blind reviewed by anonymous referees having expertise in respective areas. All journals are listed in Cabell’s Directories and ProQuest. Subscriptions to the journals are managed by EBSCO Publishers. Except for the ASBBS eJournal, all journals are published both electronically and in hard copy formats. The electronic copies are displayed on the ASBBS web site (this site) for one year, after which time each journal is archived for future references. The hard copies of the Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, the Journal of Business and Accounting and the Journal of Business and Educational Leadership are also archived after publication and distribution. The link to each journal containing selection standards and criteria, ethical standards, editorial policies and page fee (publication fee) is provided below. Journal of Business and Behavioral SciencesThe Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences (āJBBSā or āthe Journalā) is sponsored by the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS). The first edition of the Journal was published in 1996 and it is in its 31st edition. The Journal started as an annual edition but now it is published semi-annually in the Spring and Fall of each year. The Journal is published as electronic publication as well as in hard copies with the following ISSN issued by the Library of Congress: Selection Standards and Criteria for Peer-Review Process The JBBS is an interdisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Papers in the areas of management, marketing, economics, finance, business ethics, legal studies and information technology are considered for review and possible publication in this journal. Papers should be submitted to the Editor-in Chief at the address listed below. There is no submission fee. The author or the contact author of a paper must certify that the paper for review has not been published in or submitted to another journal. All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism. Two files are required for review. Both files must be prepared in MS Word. In one file, include the title of the paper and complete information of the author. If a paper has multiple authors, identify the contact author. In the second file, submit your paper typed in double space. Start the paper with a title followed by an abstract not to exceed 300 words. Immediately below the abstract, include 4 or 5 key words that describe the theme of your paper. Do not include the author’s name or affiliation with the paper for review. We prefer that your paper not exceed 25 double-spaced pages including the reference section and appendices, if any. Upon receipt of a paper, the Editor-in-Chief will conduct initial screening, and within one week will inform the contact author if the paper will be sent for review. A paper not selected for further review will be retained in the inactive data base of the Journal and the author will be notified accordingly. Editorial Policies The referee review process involves two independent reviews by anonymous referees having expertise in the subject matter. Two positive reviews are required for acceptance of a paper for publication in the JBBS. In case of split decision, the paper will be sent to a third referee. A paper will not be accepted for publication if two of the three reviews are negative. When selected for review, the Editor-in-Chief of JBBS will send a paper (as received) to a referee along with a set of guidelines. These guidelines include clarity of research objective, research questions investigated, originality of thought, research methodology and contribution to the body of knowledge. Referees are given the option of sending their reviews in a file or to record their comments on the body of the paper. All referee comments are transmitted to the contact author as received. A page fee is required for the publication of all accepted papers. The page fee for accepted papers is $400.00 for the first 15 single-spaced pages and $50.00 for each additional single-spaced page. The minimum page fee is $400.00. Papers accepted for publication may not exceed 15 single-spaced pages including the reference section and appendices, if any. Contact the Editor-in-Chief if your accepted paper exceeds 15 single-spaced pages. It is seldom the case that a paper is accepted for publication without revision. Revisions suggested by the referees fall in the category of minor revisions (not requiring significant enhancement of a paper or modification of research methodology) or major revision. The review process usually takes 3-4 months from the date of submission. The Editor-in-Chief maintains permanent files of all reviews. The acceptance rate for the JBBS ranges between 20 and 25 per cent. Historically, 85% of accepted papers have gone under at least one revision. At the end of the referee review process, the contact author is allowed adequate time to address the revisions suggested along with the option of withdrawing the paper from further consideration.
Retraction/Correction Policy Even though it has not happened for over 20 years of publication of ASBBS sponsored journals, if a published paper requires correction or retraction, the Editor-in-Chief will provide details of the case to the contact author for resolution of the problem to the satisfaction of both parties. Upon deliberation by both parties, the paper will be corrected or retracted. Subscription and Archival The subscription fee for the JBBS is $50.00 per copy. Up to two complimentary copies of the journal are sent to the the contact author upon publication of their papers. After publication, the electronic copy of the JBBS is posted to the ASBBS web site for one year. The publisher of JBBS has granted license to EBSCO Publishers (EP) to collect subscription fees for the printed copies of the Journal. The Journal is also listed in ProQuest. Both EP and ProQuest archives copies of the Journal. The JBBS has an Editorial Board which varies between 110 and 16 members. Visit Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences for a list of the Editorial Board members of the current issue of JBBS. The Editor-in-Chief of the JBBS is the contact person for the Journal and all correspondence should be made to the following address: Wali I. Mondal, Ph.D. Journal of Business and AccountingThe Journal of Business and Accounting (JBA) is sponsored by the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS). The first edition of the JBA was published in 2008 and it is in its 9th edition. The JBA is published annually in the Fall of each year. It is published as electronic publication as well as in hard copies with the following ISSN issued by the Library of Congress: Selection Standards and Criteria for Peer-Review Process The JBA is an interdisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Papers in the general areas of Accounting and Finance are considered for review and possible publication in this journal. Papers should be submitted to the Editor-in Chief at the address listed below. There is no submission fee. The author or the contact author of a paper must certify that the paper for review has not been published in or submitted to another journal. All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism. Two files are required for review. Both files must be prepared in MS Word. In one file, include the title of the paper and complete information of the author. If a paper has multiple authors, identify the contact author. In the second file, submit your paper typed in double space. Start the paper with a title followed by an abstract not to exceed 300 words. Immediately below the abstract, include 4 or 5 key words that describe the theme of your paper. Do not include the author’s name or affiliation with the paper for review. We prefer that your paper not exceed 25 double-spaced pages including the reference section and appendices, if any. Upon receipt of a paper, the Editor-in-Chief will conduct initial screening, and within one week will inform the contact author if the paper will be sent for review. A paper not selected for further review will be retained in the inactive data base of the Journal and the author will be notified accordingly. Editorial Policies The referee review process involves two independent reviews by anonymous referees having expertise in the subject matter. Two positive reviews are required for acceptance of a paper for publication in the JBA. In case of split decision, the paper will be sent to a third referee. A paper will not be accepted for publication if two of the three reviews are negative. When selected for review, the Editor-in-Chief of JBA will send a paper (as received) to a referee along with a set of guidelines. These guidelines include clarity of research objective, research questions investigated, originality of thought, research methodology and contribution to the body of knowledge. Referees are given the option of sending their reviews in a file or to record their comments on the body of the paper. All referee comments are transmitted to the contact author as received. A page fee is required for the publication of all accepted papers. The page fee for accepted papers is $400.00 for the first 15 single-spaced pages and $50.00 for each additional single-spaced page. The minimum page fee is $400.00. Papers accepted for publication may not exceed 15 single-spaced pages including the reference section and appendices, if any. Contact the Editor-in-Chief if your accepted paper exceeds 15 single-spaced pages. It is seldom the case that a paper is accepted for publication without revision. Revisions suggested by the referees fall in the category of minor revisions (not requiring significant enhancement of a paper or modification of research methodology) or major revision. The review process usually takes 3-4 months from the date of submission. The Editor-in-Chief maintains permanent files of all reviews. The acceptance rate for the JBA ranges between 20 and 25 per cent. Historically, 80% of accepted papers have gone under at least one revision. At the end of the referee review process, the contact author is allowed adequate time to address the revisions suggested along with the option of withdrawing the paper from further consideration.
Retraction/Correction Policy Even though it has not happened for over 20 years of publication of ASBBS sponsored journals, if a published paper requires correction or retraction, the Editor-in-Chief will provide details of the case to the contact author for resolution of the problem to the satisfaction of both parties. Upon deliberation by both parties, the paper will be corrected or retracted. Subscription and Archival The subscription fee for the JBA is $50.00 per copy. Up to two complimentary copies of the journal are sent to the the contact author upon publication of their papers. After publication, the electronic copy of the JBA is posted to the ASBBS web site for one year. The publisher of JBA has granted license to EBSCO Publishers (EP) to collect subscription fees for the printed copies of the Journal. The Journal is also listed in ProQuest. Both EP and ProQuest archives copies of the Journal. The JBA has an Editorial Board which varies between 16 and 20 members. Visit Journal of Business and Accounting for a list of the Editorial Board members of the current issue of JBA. The Editor-in-Chief of the JBA is the contact person for the Journal and all correspondence should be made to the following address: Wali I. Mondal, Ph.D. Journal of Business and Educational LeadershipThe Journal of Business and Educational Leadership (JBEL) is sponsored by the ASBBS. The first edition of the JBEL was published in 2009 and it is in its 6th edition. The JBEL is published annually in the Fall of each year; however, it was not published continuously for lack of quality papers. The JBEL is published as electronic publication as well as in hard copies with the following ISSN issued by the Library of Congress: Selection Standards and Criteria for Peer-Review Process The JBEL is an interdisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Papers in the general areas of educational administration and educational leadership are considered for review and possible publication in this journal. Papers should be submitted to the Editor-in Chief at the address listed below. There is no submission fee. The author or the contact author of a paper must certify that the paper for review has not been published in or submitted to another journal. All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism. Two files are required for review. Both files must be prepared in MS Word. In one file, include the title of the paper and complete information of the author. If a paper has multiple authors, identify the contact author. In the second file, submit your paper typed in double space. Start the paper with a title followed by an abstract not to exceed 300 words. Immediately below the abstract, include 4 or 5 key words that describe the theme of your paper. Do not include the author’s name or affiliation with the paper for review. We prefer that your paper not exceed 25 double-spaced pages including the reference section and appendices, if any. Upon receipt of a paper, the Editor-in-Chief will conduct initial screening, and within one week will inform the contact author if the paper will be sent for review. A paper not selected for further review will be retained in the inactive data base of the Journal and the author will be notified accordingly. Editorial Policies The referee review process involves two independent reviews by anonymous referees having expertise in the subject matter. Two positive reviews are required for acceptance of a paper for publication in the JBEL. In case of split decision, the paper will be sent to a third referee. A paper will not be accepted for publication if two of the three reviews are negative. When selected for review, the Editor-in-Chief of JBEL will send a paper (as received) to a referee along with a set of guidelines. These guidelines include clarity of research objective, research questions investigated, originality of thought, research methodology and contribution to the body of knowledge. Referees are given the option of sending their reviews in a file or to record their comments on the body of the paper. All referee comments are transmitted to the contact author as received. A page fee is required for the publication of all accepted papers. The page fee for accepted papers is $400.00 for the first 15 single-spaced pages and $50.00 for each additional single-spaced page. The minimum page fee is $400.00. Papers accepted for publication may not exceed 15 single-spaced pages including the reference section and appendices, if any. Contact the Editor-in-Chief if your accepted paper exceeds 15 single-spaced pages. It is seldom the case that a paper is accepted for publication without revision. Revisions suggested by the referees fall in the category of minor revisions (not requiring significant enhancement of a paper or modification of research methodology) or major revision. The review process usually takes 3-4 months from the date of submission. The Editor-in-Chief maintains permanent files of all reviews. The acceptance rate for the JBEL ranges between 25 and 30 per cent. Historically, 90% of accepted papers have gone under at least one revision. At the end of the referee review process, the contact author is allowed adequate time to address the revisions suggested along with the option of withdrawing the paper from further consideration.
Retraction/Correction Policy Even though it has not happened for over 20 years of publication of ASBBS sponsored journals, if a published paper requires correction or retraction, the Editor-in-Chief will provide details of the case to the contact author for resolution of the problem to the satisfaction of both parties. Upon deliberation by both parties, the paper will be corrected or retracted. Subscription and Archival The subscription fee for the JBEL is $50.00 per copy. Up to two complimentary copies of the journal are sent to the the contact author upon publication of their papers. After publication, the electronic copy of the JBEL is posted to the ASBBS web site for one year. The publisher of JBEL has granted license to EBSCO Publishers (EP) to collect subscription fees for the printed copies of the Journal. The Journal is also listed in ProQuest. Both EP and ProQuest archives copies of the Journal. The JBEL has an Editorial Board which varies between 16 and 20 members. Visit Journal of Business and Educational Leadership for a list of the Editorial Board members of the current issue of JBEL. The Editor-in-Chief of the JBEL is the contact person for the Journal and all correspondence should be made to the following address: Wali I. Mondal, Ph.D. eJournalThe ASBBS eJournal (eJournal) is sponsored by the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences (ASBBS). The first edition of the eJournal was published in 2003 and it is in its 12th edition. It is published as an electronic journal only with the following ISSN issued by the Library of Congress: Selection Standards and Criteria for Peer-Review Process The eJournal is an interdisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Papers in the areas of accounting, management, marketing, economics, finance, business ethics, educational administration, educational leadership, legal studies and information technology are considered for review and possible publication in this journal. Papers should be submitted to the Editor-in Chief at the address listed below. There is no submission fee. The author or the contact author of a paper must certify that the paper for review has not been published in or submitted to another journal. All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism. Two files are required for review. Both files must be prepared in MS Word. In one file, include the title of the paper and complete information of the author. If a paper has multiple authors, identify the contact author. In the second file, submit your paper typed in double space. Start the paper with a title followed by an abstract not to exceed 300 words. Immediately below the abstract, include 4 or 5 key words that describe the theme of your paper. Do not include the author’s name or affiliation with the paper for review. We prefer that your paper not exceed 25 double-spaced pages including the reference section and appendices, if any. Upon receipt of a paper, the Editor-in-Chief will conduct initial screening, and within one week will inform the contact author if the paper will be sent for review. A paper not selected for further review will be retained in the inactive data base of the Journal and the author will be notified accordingly. Editorial Policies The referee review process involves two independent reviews by anonymous referees having expertise in the subject matter. Two positive reviews are required for acceptance of a paper for publication in the eJournal. In case of split decision, the paper will be sent to a third referee. A paper will not be accepted for publication if two of the three reviews are negative. When selected for review, the Editor-in-Chief of eJournal will send a paper (as received) to a referee along with a set of guidelines. These guidelines include clarity of research objective, research questions investigated, originality of thought, research methodology and contribution to the body of knowledge. Referees are given the option of sending their reviews in a file or to record their comments on the body of the paper. All referee comments are transmitted to the contact author as received. A page fee is required for the publication of all accepted papers. The page fee for accepted papers is $300.00 for the first 10 single-spaced pages and $40.00 for each additional single-spaced page. The minimum page fee is $300.00. Papers accepted for publication may not exceed 15 single-spaced pages including the reference section and appendices, if any. Contact the Editor-in-Chief if your accepted paper exceeds 15 single-spaced pages. It is seldom the case that a paper is accepted for publication without revision. Revisions suggested by the referees fall in the category of minor revisions (not requiring significant enhancement of a paper or modification of research methodology) or major revision. The review process usually takes 3-4 months from the date of submission. The Editor-in-Chief maintains permanent files of all reviews. The acceptance rate for the eJournal ranges between 16 and 20 per cent. Historically, 90% of accepted papers have gone under at least one revision. At the end of the referee review process, the contact author is allowed adequate time to address the revisions suggested along with the option of withdrawing the paper from further consideration.
Retraction/Correction Policy Even though it has not happened for over 20 years of publication of ASBBS sponsored journals, if a published paper requires correction or retraction, the Editor-in-Chief will provide details of the case to the contact author for resolution of the problem to the satisfaction of both parties. Upon deliberation by both parties, the paper will be corrected or retracted. Subscription and Archival The subscription fee for the eJournal is $50.00 per copy. The publisher of eJournal has granted license to EBSCO Publishers (EP) to collect subscription fees for the eJournal. The eJournal is also listed in ProQuest. Both EP and ProQuest archives copies of the eJournal. The eJournal has an Editorial Board which varies between 20 and 30 members. Visit eJournal for a list of the Editorial Board members of the current issue of the eJournal. The Editor-in-Chief of the eJournal is the contact person and all correspondence should be made to the following address: Wali I. Mondal, Ph.D.
Publication FeeThe publication Fee will be due after your paper has been accepted for publication in one of the Journals and an invoice for the fee has been sent to you. To pay online, please click on theĀ BUY NOW button below. You may also pay the fee by sending your credit card information or personal/university check to ASBBS by email or postal service. Publication Fee is also accepted by phone call. Ā