9901 S. La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045
The ASBBS Thirty-Second Annual Conference will be held in the Holiday Inn, Los Angeles Airport during March 14-16, 2025. The conference will feature zoom sessions for those who cannot attend in person. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for interdisciplinary research in a wide variety of Business and Behavioral Sciences. The conference is attended by academics and practitioners from across the world. Proposals for paper presentation and session chairs are invited from all areas of Business and Behavioral Sciences in the Tracks listed on the left. Please send the abstract of your paper or the full paper to the appropriate Track Chair. MS Word files are preferred. If you are unsure of the track your paper belongs to, you may submit it directly to the Conference Chair. The links on the left will take you to the email addresses of the appropriate track chair. The deadline for submission of papers and abstracts is February 7, 2025.
The conference will start with registration in the morning of Friday, March 14. Competitive sessions will be scheduled for three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Participants may request to present on a two-day block, either Friday-Saturday or Saturday-Sunday. Each year, ASBBS recognizes Best Papers selected competitively. The Best Paper Award and the Outstanding Service Award will take place at the ASBBS 32nd Annual Award Ceremony on Saturday, March 15. Once your paper is reviewed and accepted, the Registration Form below will provide you the option of selecting your presentation date. Multiple papers by same authors will be scheduled for presentation on consecutive days or on the same day.
How to Register
Registration fee information and mailing address are available in the Registration Form below. The conference is open to all attendees. To register online, please click on the BUY NOW button below. You may also register by sending your credit card information or personal/university check to ASBBS by email or postal service. Registration Fee is also accepted by phone call. Please email the Registration Form after completing your registration.
The Holiday Inn Hotel at Los Angeles Airport is situated approximately 1.8 miles from the airport. The newly refurbished hotel features desk and chair and a refrigerator in each room. Free shuttle to and from the airport is available 24 hours a day. Discounted sleeping rooms for single or double occupancy will be available at $139.00 per night from March 13 to March 17, 2025. The deadline to book your room at the discounted rate is Thursday, February 20, 2025. Check ASBBS Meeting or call Holiday Inn, Los Angeles Airport at 1-888-295-7568 to reserve your room at the discounted rate. Please note: hotel room rates are likely to go up significantly after the cutoff date. Discounted rate for parking will also be available during the conference dates.
PROGRAM CHAIR TARA GREALIS Western New England University Springfield, MA 01119 email:
Information about ASBBS including its publications is available at Our meetings emphasize interaction and collegiality in cordial environment. Although paper proposals are accepted on their merits, we welcome empirical papers with policy implications. All papers and abstracts are reviewed by appropriate track chairs, program chair and conference chair. Accepted papers are published in the Conference Proceedings if guidelines are met. The deadline for Proceedings submission is February 7, 2024. Submit your Proceedings article to . Only electronic submissions are accepted. ASBBS also publishes three refereed journals titled Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Journal of Business and Accounting and Journal of Business and Educational Leadership. All articles presented at the 32nd Annual Conference will qualify for expedited review and publication in the refereed journals. Visit for the current issues of all refereed journals.
Paper/Abstract Submission: To submit a proposal, provide a complete paper or an abstract with at least 250 words with the title of the paper, name(s), addresses, telephone numbers and email address to an appropriate Track Chair with a copy to the Conference Chair. All proposals will be reviewed. The Track Chair and the Conference Chair will select the “Best Paper” of a track. Authors of Best papers will be recognized in the ASBBS Annual Award Ceremony.
Registration Fee: Authors of accepted papers and all other participants will be required to register by February 7, 2025. The onsite registration fee for each participant will be $450.00 if paid by February 7, 2025 and $500.00 thereafter. The Registration Fee for zoom sessions will be $300.00 if paid by February 7, 2025 and $400.00 thereafter. The registration fee for undergraduate students and retired faculty members will be $300.00 if paid by February 7, 2025 and $400.00 thereafter. If accepted, there will be a Fee of $200.00 for an additional paper to be presented by the same author. No individual author may submit more than two paper proposals. Attendees with or without a paper may bring spouses and guests to the conference. The spouse/guest registration fee will be $150.00 which will allow the spouse/guest to attend all sessions, continental breakfast for two days and Banquet on Saturday Award Ceremony.